The Importance of Shortening Your Hiring Process


Shortening Your Hiring Process

Think about the relationship between an employer and a job seeker. You both need something, and you both have something to offer. After an application and an interview, take a look at things through a candidate’s perspective. More often than not, they are left hanging. We know that hiring can be complicated, but there are […]

How To Guide to the Tactful Interview Follow-up


After a job interview, candidates should generally provide some follow up to the hiring authority. It shows professionalism and makes a good impression.  Hiring decisions may not be made on qualifications alone, but also on the impression made on the hiring authority. Effective follow-up shows persistence and enthusiasm for the company. Here’s how to handle […]

Use Non-verbal Communication to Ace a Job Interview


You’ve managed to land an interview with your dream job and the big day is fast approaching. So, you spend time practicing how you will answer the most common interview questions and get your resume ready to impress the hiring manager. However, there’s something critical missing from your repertoire, which could cost you the opportunity […]